Post by UnruhPost by Douglas MaynePost by fft1976(This is a purely theoretical legal question I'm curious about, no
need to go nuts, even if you feel very strongly about viral licenses)
The GPL license [1], now wide-spread among non-commercial software,
requires that if you create a derived work and provide it to someone,
you must also provide the new source code (software blueprints) under
the same license, requiring others to abide by the same license, ad
nauseam. (This is the "viral" part)
I am wondering, what if the person who creates the derived work
requires a separate waiver of this right to obtain the source code
under GPL from everyone to whom the derived work is provided? The
intent of the GPL is of course to prevent anything like that (so it
can spread), but is it really doing that, and if so, is it legal and
I am not a lawyer, but I find the terms of the GPL to promote cooperation
and creation of new works. IIRC, that is the same goal of the Copyright
acts in the United States. Remember, "Copyleft" is really just a copyright
license. Enforcement of copyright violation varies by jurisdiction.
Violating copyright can certainly lead to civil action and civil
penalties. In a recent copyright based legal action, criminal penalties
have been applied ( Ouch.
The BSD, GPL, and commercial software licenses are copyright licenses.
They tell you what you're entitled to do with the software. The BSD
No, they can only control copying, not use.
I was mainly comparing the differences between forking versions with the
desired intent that the new child project could continue to be
redistributed without violating the terms of the license. However, I have
to disagree, because I think that the license does _attempt to tell_ you
under what terms you have the right to use the software. This is moot
under the GPL, because "Right 0." is the "right to run the software."
Other licenses, especially commercial licenses, attempt to extend the
license agreement into a defacto contract between the parties. I see
elsewhere on this thread that you do not agree with that assertion;
however, absent a legal precedent I think you'd be out on a limb to
arbitrarily violate terms specified in the fine print. The simplest case
is commercial software that requires a fee to be paid. Absent the fee, the
user has no right to run the software (and translated back to copyright,
had no right to "copy it to his system.") Other licenses may require some
form of attribution, or that a mandatory disclaimer be displayed before
the program is launched. This seems reasonable, too. If the software is
not intended for use in certain environments, then the user should be
advised of that fact beforehand.
IANAL. Others will have to work out the subtlety of the terms and whether
a software license is a defacto contract. Lucky for me, I mostly
use software which are covered by free and open source licenses. They
specifically give end users the right to run the software, and to examine
the source code to find ways to improve the code. When I run commercial
software, I abide the terms, including paying the required fees, etc. That
said, some terms in commercial licenses have proved to be too onerous,
IMO. Especially, when those terms are being set by an abusive monopolist.
Let's hope that the European Union forces some real progress on
specifications and compatibility. I don't think they're going to buy into
Ballmer's "ham sandwich" extension, or your example of goat sacrifice.
Post by UnruhPost by Douglas Maynelicense allows source code to be forked at any point, and then taken
private by new developers. The GPL also allows forks at any point, but
taking code private is disallowed. Each license makes a case why one
No, the code can be private as long as it is not distributed.
I agree with that, at least in the case of the BSD and GPL licenses.
Post by UnruhPost by Douglas Mayneis better than the other. From the outset, the developers are free to
choose whatever license they would like to use. Whatever they choose,
it's good to have the legal framework in place; otherwise, it's like
getting married without a prenuptial agreement. If there is a divorce,
then one party is likely to feel cheated. It's good to be on the same
page from the start.
There is some legal standing for the enforcability of the GPL. From your
<quote wikipedia>
In April 2004 the netfilter/iptables project was granted a preliminary
injunction against Sitecom Germany by Munich District Court after
Sitecom refused to desist from distributing Netfilter's GPL'ed software
in violation of the terms of the GPL. On July 2004, the German court
confirmed this injunction as a final ruling against Sitecom.[34] The
court's justification for its decision exactly mirrored the predictions
The problem is that a ruling ib a German court has no standing in a US (
or chinese or Indian,or... court) except perhaps persuasive power.
Post by UnruhPost by Douglas MayneDefendant has infringed on the copyright of plaintiff by offering the
software 'netfilter/iptables' for download and by advertising its
distribution, without adhering to the license conditions of the GPL.
Said actions would only be permissible if defendant had a license
grant... This is independent of the questions whether the licensing
conditions of the GPL have been effectively agreed upon between
plaintiff and defendant or not. If the GPL were not agreed upon by the
parties, defendant would notwithstanding lack the necessary rights to
copy, distribute, and make the software 'netfilter/iptables' publicly
This ruling was important because it was the first time that a court had
confirmed that violating terms of the GPL could effect copyright
violation. </end quote>
Well, no. It said at least in the quote, that it did NOT address the
validity of the GPL, just that absent the GPL there existed no other
license under which the copying could be done. It explicitly says that
it is not ruling on the validity of the GPL.
The judge is tasked with deciding the specific case at hand. He must
assess legal theories presented by both sides and determine if they are
applicable, and assess if one party has received damages attributable to
the other party. If such damage exists, then he must place a value on
those damages and impose a remedy. IMO, the judge used contract law at
least in part in making his decision. Certain required elements of a
contract were present in this case, but other were missing. For
example, there were no signed agreement between the parties. However, the
parties acted in a way consistent with a contract existing. Notably, DLink
received consideration in the form of value added to their product line
provided by Netfilter's software. IMO, it is reasonable for the judge to
ask DLink on what legal basis they were using Netfilter's property. The
judge ruled based on this implied contract between the parties. From
there, the judge used copyright law to assess damages and establish the
remedy. However, you may disagree. If you are adamant that a software
license may never be extended into an implied contract, and must be judged
soley based on copyright provisions, then we'll have to agree to disagree.
Again, I never went to law school, I am not a lawyer, and I learned
everything I know about the topic from Judge Wapner ;)
Douglas Mayne